How to apply
2. Click on the link in the “Apply for a grant ” section.
You cannot apply between calls.
3. Please fill in the application form very carefully either in French or in English or in Arabic. Be concise and clear to maximise your chances of success.
This detailed application form will ask you to provide complete information on your professional background, your project, the expenses involved and your aims.
You can only make one request per call.
The estimation of your costs must be plausible.
You cannot provide any other material when you submit your online application. So remember to provide the complementary documents by email (obligatory expenditure statement and possible pro forma invoices).
Remember to indicate an email address where you want to receive the results of your application. You can only provide one email address.
4. Send the form before the deadline.
Processing the applications and provision of funds After the deadline all the requests are processed and a list of eligible candidates is posted on this website. This process allows candidates to see if their candidacy is eligible or not.
Experts make then their evaluation after which the Board of directors approve the selection. The office then informs the candidates by email on the decision and the amount granted.
If you are successful you must download the Cimetta Fund logo from the website and use it on your communication documents/material.
You will be asked to make a report to obtain the final payment. This report will be composed of a written activity report, a detailed expenditure report, proof of communication of the support of RCF and all other proof that the project has taken place (photographs, report from the various actors involved, etc.). Please make sure that you send us all the details and that you respond to all the questions formulated on the online report. The information you provide is very useful for evidence-building to pursue our activities.
The transfer of funding is directly made to the account of the project leader (organisation or individual) in the following way: 30% following proof of expenses, 50% after the intermediary report, 20% after the submission of the final report and accompanying documents.