Stanislaw Suchora


De: Paris
A : Tehran

Music management lecturing in Tehran


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Pouvez-vous expliquer comment cette bourse a contribué à la réalisation de vos projets d'échanges artistiques et/ou de développement culturel local et/ou de promotion de la diversité culturelle ?

1. According to the immediate feedback from the participants, I do believe the workshop was both of practical use and inspiration for them. Later, I also heard back from the Tehran Contemporary Music Festival staff that the workshop was very precious, as it gave a well-structured, practical insight into musicians' activities - an insight which is often missing in traditional curriculum of musicians' training in Iran, and which is very important to have 2. The meetings with Laibach and the musical actors in Iran were very fruitful, and they made me believe that it is possible to organise a large-scale event in Tehran, involving the Slovenian group and a number of Iranian artists. What is very important, the project is ment to be promoted also in Europe, building thus further cultural bridges between Iran and European countries

Qu'apportent l'échange, les réseaux et les contacts à l'international pour le développement de votre activité artistique ou culturelle ?

This trip to Iran allowed me to stengthen already existing links with the Iranian music milieu, and to establish new contacts within it - those will allow me to run further music projects in Iran, involving international artists, and vice-versa, in Europe, presenting Iranian music and musicians.

Pouvez vous élaborer sur l'apprentissage et les connaissances que vous avez obtenu / partagé à travers cette expérience ?

Each trip to Iran is a great human and esthetic experience. This time, I could also acquire a deeper understanding of the functioning of the musical world in Tehran, in its multi-dimensional form. They way things work here is very nuanced, especially regarding the independent-governemental relation.

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