
RSS - Launching // RAMALLAH - a documentary by Flavie Pinatel is out.

Films de Force Majeure is glad to announce that RAMALLAH, a documentary by Flavie Pinatel is available upon request  on Vimeo on Demand Films de Force Majeure Page. 



After three months of full immersion, Flavie Pinatel offers to restore on screen the city of Ramallah as a physical and sensory experience. Through funny, serious or unusual portraits of Ramallah inhabitants, Flavie Pinatel attempts, with this film, to get this city out of its tragedy and reveal it as a beating heart, a 21st century city.


With the support of Conseil Général des Bouches-du-Rhône, Région PACA, Cultures France - Villa Médicis, Mécènes du Sud, DRAC PACA and Fonds Roberto Cimetta.


Distribution supported by CNC and Conseil Général des Bouches-du Rhône.