What was the funding used for ?
The TAMTEEN grant was used to cover total cost of : puppets trainer fees, mixer, sound equipment, cutting tools, gun wax tool and a power generator.
It has then covered a part of cost of : paints, wood, sound technician fees, communication materials, accommodation, and transportation.
How did this funding contribution provide sustainability to your organisation and improve the quality of the implementation of your work ?
1. Opening a new markets and make a direct contact with the people in the villages, which help us to increase our audiences and grow the size of the participants in our activities.
2. Tamteen helped our organization to make a permanent relationship with some civil organization and companies, which contributed in the growth of our events and activities.
3. Tamteen helped us to get a group of young volunteers; some of them participate in the implementation of our events.
4. Tamteen helped us to get some equipment and tools, which improved our work.
5. Deeply knowing about our audiences and their needs, which helped us to improve our programs.
6. Our Team work got a good and live and strong experience in the implementation of cultural projects, which helped the organization to avoid and correct our faults and improve our products and services.
Please indicate a link to your current work (website/facebook page)