What was the funding used for ?
The Tamteen Fund helped amending Beit Waraq with an advanced digital printing facility. This allowed the attending community of printmakers, illustrators and designers to improve their hands-on process, and facilitate the production cycle among the different platforms of Waraq association.
How did this funding contribution provide sustainability to your organisation and improve the quality of the implementation of your work ?
The allocated grant was invested in buying a digital printer for Beit Waraq. This machine filled a missing link in the production cycle connecting the different equipped studios inside Beit Waraq. This closed cycle reduced the production cost for the artists, designers and entities who have participated in the different platforms of the association; Tabaan, the print market, the educational workshops and other hosted events. Artists were able to expand their experimentation phase, observe their trials and amend their production process.
Please indicate a link to your current work (website/facebook page)
facebook page:
instagram account: