From : Athens, Greece
To: Paris, France



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How did this grant contribute to the realization of your project in regard to artistic exchange, local cultural development and/or the promotion of cultural diversity?

I was visiting Paris in order to attend the 16th Paris Festival for Different and Experimental Cinemas. The main festival program was from the 23rd to the 26th of October. I was able to attend 6 of the 7 competition programs, many special screenings, and the round table: "Writing and Experimental Cinema". Being in Paris also allowed me to visit the Pompidou Centre, observing, among others, its extensive video collection. Therefore, I consider my stay in Paris a valuable and rewarding experience. I had three main goals regarding this trip: to watch recent experimental film/video work, which I consider vital for my artistic development. I was able to attend the screening of more than 50 experimental short films, all produced in 2013-2014 ; to get feedback for my short film "Minore" which was part of the competition program ; and to meet and interact with other filmmakers and professionals.

How does exchange, networking and international contacts contribute to the development of your artistic and cultural project?

Since the screening in Paris in October, "Minore" had three more screenings in November: at L’ Alternativa Festival in Barcelona, Kassel Documentary and Video Festival in Germany and in Cork Film Festival in Ireland. I am very happy for these screenings although I, unfortunately, was not able to attend. I have also proposed "Minore" to Traverse Video Festival and my work to Paris based on experimental film distributors LightCone, for possible acquisition.

Can you elaborate on the learning and knowledge you have gained and shared throughout this experience?

The opportunity to watch recent experimental film/video was really rewarding. I was able to be introduced in different techniques and approaches, greatly helpful regarding the development of my future film/video projects, but also in my creative writing (electronic literature) work.

Please indicate a link to your current work (website/facebook page)