From : Yerevan, Armenia
To: Victoria, Malta

Seminar on ‘Redefining Theatre Communities. Community Perspectives in Contemporary Theatre-making’


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How did this grant contribute to the realization of your project in regard to artistic exchange, local cultural development and/or the promotion of cultural diversity?

I participated at a Seminar on ‘Redefining Theatre Communities. Community Perspectives in Contemporary Theatre-making’ in Victoria, Malta. The subject I offered to talk and organizers invited is rare on open talks, it is very important to start the subject among intellectuals who are not practitioners but who among decision makers. From my observation as theatre creator working in Australia-Europe-Caucasia-Asia-Middle East I see a strong gap in acknowledging the individual artists who are working independently from institutions, and this means mostly – they take risk creating with no commission, or other support. There should be more awareness and disclosing of this group from the creators acting under the cultural institution support. Their creative process is in constant progress of development, whilethe institutional artists work often on short or long term but one – off projects. Working outside of the institution, without clear support, descent payment for work, which in the end comes as international success mostly demanded by unprivileged audience.

How does exchange, networking and international contacts contribute to the development of your artistic and cultural project?

The exchange of knowledge and news directly with people, meet and talk to people is the best way. We then see each other and either very much straight we are interested in this person/organisation or not. While communication via correspondence is not so truthful.