From : Barcelone, Espagne
To: Guimaraes, Portugal


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How did this grant contribute to the realization of your project in regard to artistic exchange, local cultural development and/or the promotion of cultural diversity?

This trip has been very important for me - from microscope use to transfeminism and micropolitics to the macropolitics of international networking. It permitted me to deepen my work with microscopes as there was a USB microscope in the Lab and large amounts of mosquito larvae beside the nearby river. The streaming kit being developed by Monica & Pedro Angelo for forest observation (which I discovered in this meeting could also permit to stream microscopic environments. I also started to research the development of sound applications for these images based on CVS techniques like that used by Berio Molina for the analysis of face data - also present in the meeting. I met with other transfeministas and we were able to continue working on the project of the Transhackerfeminist Oscillator Kit ( ) I was able to discover LCD and Audiencia Zero, it's laboratory and program as well as the Centro Assuntos Arte e Arquitectura (CAAA) in which it operates. Audiencia Zero form part of the Atlantic Arc ( project in which I am active and which this meeting also served to strengthen - meeting with representatives from Portugal (Lobo), Galicia (Iglesias) & Euskadi (Maite & Josian). The meeting was also another step of the Summer of Labs ( which developed from the summerlab project started in 2008 in LABoral Art Centre.

Can you elaborate on the learning and knowledge you have gained and shared throughout this experience?

Above all mobile experiences open one to new ways of working and forms. I discovered and could have access to new techniques such as face recognition software, a miniaturised streaming system or a new microscope.

Please indicate a link to your current work (website/facebook page)