How did this grant contribute to the realization of your project in regard to artistic exchange, local cultural development and/or the promotion of cultural diversity?
This grant was foundamental for “Psychicken” that is going to be a multicultural and multiethnic product. In a time like ours, I think it is fundamental to tear down political and cultural barriers in every way possible. Art, in every form, can be the mean by which that can happen. Art can show the world that collaboration and dialogue between realities that seem distant are possible. Art can unite people like no other mean can. I also believe that a collaboration with a region everywhere considered “scary”, like the Middle East is, can show people that there are less things to be scared of and more to be seduced by.
How does exchange, networking and international contacts contribute to the development of your artistic and cultural project?
The exchanging platforms are foundamentals for this kind of project, Psychiken is a multicultural project and we need to meet new people, place and way to work in our world.
In this experience we meet new co-producer, find location and of course, last but not least, inspiration for our artistic work.
Can you elaborate on the learning and knowledge you have gained and shared throughout this experience?
As an Art Director my experience was fundamental, I need to see new place, meet new cultures and go deep inside the goal of the project.
What I want to say is that for make art you have always to be curious and looking for something new. Go to Teheran was a primary step to learn and collect materials to create our artistic world.
With Ata Mojabi (director) we worked hard for all our permanence in Iran and we mixed our immaginary and our cultures.
In conclusion I feel to say that this is the best way to preapre a project at all.
Please indicate a link to your current work (website/facebook page)