
RSS - Grants Opportunity // Marc de Montalembert Foundation. France. Deadline: 15.11.2016.

The Marc de Montalembert grant (7000 euros) is awarded to young people from the Mediterranean countries, who are less than 28 years old, to realise a personal project in the field of culture or in relation with  the development of a craft  with the aim to discover the different cultures of this region.


Between 1994 and 2016 the Foundation has financed 25 projects effected by young grant winners from 8 Mediterranean countries. Projects have been realized in the following fields : creative writing, architecture, archeology, anthropology and sociology, music, history of art, craftsmanship, engraving, painting, photography.


Deadline for requesting the application form: 15 November 2016.


Deadline for submitting the application form: 31 December 2016.


For more information:

